Scan My Tesla Bill of Materials

  • 2020-02-17: Updated to include the (2) recommended passthrough OBDII adapter cables for the Model S


Thanks to Bjørn Nyland’s YouTube videos (like this one) Scan My Tesla has quickly become one of the most popular diagnostic tools used by Tesla owners. As a track enthusiast who has taken his Model 3 Performance to the race track several times, I have been keeping a close eye on this space for quite some time. Since Tesla does not yet show any detailed metrics in the Model 3 even when “Track Mode” is enabled I sought to fill this void with Scan My Tesla. After a bit of research I settled on a Bill of Materials (BOM) that have allowed me to see what is going on behind the scenes in my Model 3.

Bill of Materials

Closing Thoughts

Once you purchase the appropriate components please refer to Bjorn’s YouTube video that explains how to get everything setup. I have built a custom Scan My Tesla dashboard that has come in handy for both street & track use. This dashboard contains the following metrics:

  • Row #1 – Battery Metrics
    • State of Charge (SoC) %
    • Outside Temp Filtered (C or F)
    • Voltage (V)
    • Current (A)
    • Power Consumption (kW)
  • Row #2 – Front Motor Metrics
    • Max Discharge Power (kW)
    • Front Motor Power Output (kW)
    • Front Motor Torque Output (Nm or Ft lbs)
    • Front Inverter Temperature (C or F)
    • Front Stator Temperature (C or F)
  • Row #3
    • Max Regeneration Power (kW)
    • Rear Motor Power Output (kW)
    • Rear Motor Torque Output (Nm)
    • Rear Inverter Temperature (C or F)
    • Rear Stator Temperature (C or F)
  • Row #4 – Miscellaneous
    • Average Cell Temperature (C or F)
    • Battery Flow (lpm or gpm)
    • Battery Inlet Temperature (C or F)
    • Powertrain Flow (lpm or gpm)
    • Powertrain Inlet Temperature (C or F)
