2022 Tesla Q3 Earnings Call Notes

After a long drive back from California I had the chance tonight to listen to the 2022 Q3 Tesla earnings call. Like I have done with previous earnings calls, I have compiled notes that I wanted to share below. Enjoy! Opening remarks from Elon Musk General Q3 record quarter on many levels Industry leading operating …

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2022 Tesla Q2 Earnings Call Notes

Today I had a chance to listen to the 2022 Q2 Tesla earnings call and as a result have produced the following raw notes. Enjoy! Opening remarks from Elon Musk Unique quarter for Tesla due to Shanghai shutdown Production records achieved in Fremont & Shanghai Set up nicely for record breaking 2nd half of 2022 …

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2022 Tesla Q1 Earnings Call Notes

I spent sometime listening to the 2022 Q1 Tesla earnings call and have created raw some notes which I have included below for your reference. Enjoy! Opening remarks from Zach Kirkhorn Per unit vehicle costs increased due to inflation, raw material costs, and supply chain constraints Slight shift towards more profitable vehicles like the Model …

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